Good morning smoothie


If you don't know it already, it is my pleasure to tell you that the NutriBullet is probably one of the best machines ever. It is the purchase that just keeps on giving. If you have no idea what a NutriBullet is (where have you been?), it is a super handy blender that whizzes up ingredients so fast that they explode into nutritious and delicious liquid form. 

If you struggle to get your five (or seven or however many we're supposed to have) a day, self-blended soups and smoothies are the way to go. In just one glass you can cram in at least three portions of fruit and veg.

For the last two months I have had a smoothie nearly every day and can confirm that I 100% feel better for it. 

This morning I started off the day with a cup of green tea and a green smoothie.

NutriBullet smoothie recipe

If you would like to make this good morning smoothie you will need;

A couple of handfuls of kale
 an apple
a carrot
 a banana
a handful of pineapple 
a handful of pumpkin seeds
coconut water (or tap water)
maca powder (optional)
a blender

Smoothie ingredients

NutriBullet smoothie

As much as I am passionate advocate of the NutriBullet, it isn't essential. Any kind of blender will do, however you may want to double check if it is safe to blend nuts and seeds. Including nuts and seeds in a smoothie provides healthy fats and protein that are easy to digest, but not essential for taste.

One of the (many) things I love about the NutriBullet is that it can blend up frozen fruit without sounding like it's going to explode. This morning I used frozen pineapple. If fruit is frozen from fresh it's just as good for you and cheaper than buying it fresh.

NutriBullet smoothie

Maca powder in smoothie

NutriBulletNutriBulletGreen smoothie

 Green smoothie

Voilá. An easy way to take a little care of yourself from the inside out. If you enjoyed this, let me know and I will include more sexy smoothie recipes.



